Lost T of Fantasia
Feb. 2020
Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction
You can see something when light is pouring on it, and you can meet someone when you are sharing time and space with the person. Here begins the story you are going to tread along with the wakening up five senses of yours. On a fine autumnal Saturday, cavalries of six plus one Labrador set out for outside riding into Nature of Mt. Fuji. They are the party of a Western style horseback riding club on the foothill, Field of Dreams. Of the six are two junior high school boy students and an elementary school girl. Their destination is an ancient shrine in the uncharted depth of the upper forest. The guide is the very best veteran rider with the good knowledge on the foothill forests. However, the shrine’s vicinity has a story to it where even this guide had been mystified and got lost more than once. On this day’s trail, they are going to slip into somewhere else and see such things that would sharpen their selves.
by Akiko Sase (Author), Ryo Shimekake (Author), Yuki Inaba (Illustrator), & 2 more Format: Kindle Edition
Pumpkin & Mom's Magic Spell
Feb. 2018
Genre: Fantasy
"We’ve seen off our cat far, far away, and we miss her so much."
"Don't be so sorry. It's just a cat."
"Please don't put it in that way. Though she was an ex‑stray, she was nothing but our precious family. She left us with lots of happy memories. We believe she remembers us up there, how much we loved her."
Wove into this story are experiences and memories of such cat loving people, those who embrace their memories, hoping for next chance meeting with a cat like their lost one.
'You loved me so much. I like you and I’ll never forget you.'
You'll know your cat certainly remember you, and join in the cats exchanging their cherished happy memories. Where talks of cats are to unfold is in the world of pink cloud, far, far away. Some of them wish to see their owner again, and give it a try.
Well, are their wishes going to be granted? Which is your bet?
The original story is written in Japanese, and one new approach of translation is this book, not just a translation but a work of another language.
by Akiko Sase (Author), Hiyoko Niwano (Illustrator), Office 1788 (Editor, Translator) Format: Kindle Edition
都心にある豪華ペントハウスの主が失踪。彼とともに札束の山らしきものも消えてしまった。貸金業者だった彼は、取り巻きの間では資産数十億と噂される人物だった。彼の行方を追うのは、貸金業見習いの姪。大金目当てに叔父は拉致されてしまったのか、それだけでは済まなかったのか? 殺人犯の追跡とはターゲットを異にしたミステリー。こんな密室の謎はいかがですか? 姪の推理は、あなたの推理は…… 何億円でしょう?
七五三掛 涼 (著), 庭野 ひよ子 (イラスト), オフィス 1788 (編集) 形式: Kindle版